Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Gandhigiree pays off!

The Gandhi Protests Pay Off
Facing political pressure and legal action, the U.S. government may speed up green card processing and make more slots available
To the much delight of Gandhism lovers (of course Gandhigiree fans of Lage Raho...), the above news marks the headlines of today's BusinessWeek. Earlier there was news that US administration was adamant towards such protests, but for how long you can be deaf when Truth and Protests meet together? The G-ism had been proved 100 years back in this holy land and now we are seeing how it can be still a solution to the problems of the rest of the world. Who knows the Iraq and Palestina may find peace with G-ism soon. Hey Ram!

The complete article is readable at BusinessWeek.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful to read the article. I read your articles on Gandhi earlier. Good work. Keep it up.